SIHLE, pronounced “see-lay” comes from a Swahili word for beauty and serves as an acronym for Sisters Informing, Healing, Living, and Empowering. SIHLE is a CDC Evidence Based Intervention. This STI/HIV and teen pregnancy prevention intervention is based on social cognitive theory and theories of gender and power. The program is culturally and gender specific for African American adolescent young woman at risk for negative sexual health outcomes.
The program’s designers, two AA women developed both the intervention and the study conditions. The intervention consists of four sessions, each are three hours and implemented by a trained, African American Health educator. She is assisted by two African American Squad Leaders.
#squad goals

Phyllecia Johnson
Squad Leader/Director
Zariah Valentine
Squad Leader
Jessica Ogele
JR. Squad leader
Zy’Novia James
JR. Squad leader
Amaya Brockington
Squad leader
Squad leader
Anesha Byrd
Squad leader

About the Sessions:
Sihle sessions are broken down into 4 Tea Talk Sessions. Tea Talk sessions offer a safe non judgmental place for girls to be authentically true to themselves.
Tea Talk sessions empower African American female teenagers by discussing and sharing experiences about gender and ethnic pride. Activities are designed to praise the strengths of African American women and identify African American female role models. Tea Talk activities include the following sessions:
Session 1: My Sistas, My Girls. The purpose of this session is to discuss ethnic and gender pride and what it means to be an proud and smart African American adolescent, emphasizing the importance of self-love, pride, and the positive qualities of being an African American female. This session explores the importance of friendship and female bonds.
Session 2: It’s My Body. The purpose of this session is to provide participants with basic information on sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and their relationship to risky sexual behavior. The female anatomy and physiology is explored.
Session 3: SIHLE Skills. The purpose of this session is to develop skills regarding condom use skills, effective communication and evaluating the risky behaviors.
Session 4: Power and Relationships. The purpose of this session is to teach participants the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and reinforce the messages of assertive communication, correct condom use, and gender and ethnic pride.
Project Effectiveness
The SIHLE intervention was first implemented and evaluated at a health department in Birmingham, Alabama. Results indicated that African American girls, ages 14-18, who participated in the intervention in a community-based setting reduced their number of sexual partners, increased their use of condoms, and had fewer pregnancies and cases of Chlamydia than those in the control group. In conclusion, culturally-relevant, gender-tailored interventions for African American adolescent girls can reduce risky behaviors.
1DiClemente, R., Wingood, G., Harrington, K., Lang, D., Davies, S., Hook III, E., et al. (2004). Efficacy of an HIV Prevention Intervention for African American Adolescent Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 292(2), 171-179.
Become a SIHLE SISTA!!!
AA girls between the ages of 14 and 18 earn 12 hours of community service hours, a $50 gift card, info on how to have healthier relationships,better communication skills, setting and sticking to life goals, experience a Rites of Passage Ceremony and gain a real Sistahood.
Contact Us Today to inquire about out next sessions!!!!!
Want to bring theSihle workshop to your Church, School, Organization or Community? We will bring Sihle to you! Contact Us Today!!
by Jennifer Dorothy
I recall the questions I asked
What do I do now?
Will I succeed?
At the 10 year reunion
Will I be proud of me?
Girl, what you been up to?
How have you been?
Did you get the job?
You still with old boy?
Have you had any children?
Uncertain about the standards and expectations i’ll need to meet
Should I wear this name brand?
Still on instagram
Yall seen my TicToc?
This is no small feat
Fast Questions
Slow answers
Defense on an all time high
My greatest fear screaming
Don’t let life pass you by!!!
Everyone is going to speak
Loud interruptions to your truth
But the most important sound
Is what you say about you
So as your big sister
I’ll speak
I’ll say what I didn’t hear
In hopes that you’ll meet
You’ll greet
the complete you
With words that remind
Words that reassure
Words that find
The treasures of your
Divine mind
Unique heart
Words that speak to your
purpose and rejuvenate
the color in you
and on you
A work of art
Don’t worry
You’ll find the way
or make one
That’s how amazing you are
When life gets difficult
And it will
Don’t let your emotions
drag you too far
Remember this
You are the comet
You are the astroid
The collision
The cloud that covers the earth
The settling and the aftermath
You are the sun breaking through
You are the light and
You are the rain
The reconstruction, the building blocks
The awakening of creation
You survive and manifest
Again and again
Your smile is a shield and sword
Protect, rebirth and discover your happening
Look in the mirror and realize what you got
You are the winning number
The special sauce and
The secret weapon
I hope you get to explore
Awaken your moments and
See the world for what it really is
I’m talking to you
Miss Universe
Superior and Natural
Eyes to the skies
And hold your peace
Face to the sun and
Stand your ground
Wind and rain
Your voice, the hurricane
Speak and be remembered
Say word and be heard
Find a plain field and build
Even the playing field
Now yield
Here is my word for you
It means to surrender but
To also bring forth
To make way
While expecting increase
You can stand in your truth and
Let go of your pain
You can fly in clear skies and
Dance in the rain
Good Queen, Great Goddess
Gather you harvest
And feed many
May your eyes love you
Yes Ma’am
Enjoy the view